Out of service speed cameras a danger to road users

12th March 2019
Speed camera southport OTS News

Letter to the editor

The two speed cameras on Heathfield Road were ‘decommissioned’, presumably when the speed of the road was changed down from a 30mph to 20mph. They now sit there doing nothing apart from causing a distraction to drivers.

From a drivers point of view, this road should never have been made into a 20mph road, all drivers should be made aware of the fact that the cameras are NOT active. At this time most drivers are taking their eyes OFF the road to check their speed, it also leads to random braking and speed changes, this is not good.

From a residents point of view, I am sure the deterrent against speed is a bonus as it does get ‘some’ people to slow down. However, the cameras are filthy and unsightly and drivers are going past with more focus on speed than the road itself.

You can see evidence of this here (https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/speed_cameras_on_road_with_chang_2)
Scroll to the bottom for the response from Merseyside Police with an attached document confirming the above.

As I see it, the public, drivers and non-drivers, need to know that these cameras are not in use. There should then be moves made to either have them activated or removed.