Sefton Lib-Dem Leader should issue apology after bullying complaints leads to Code of Conduct change recommendations, says Southport Labour

Southport Labour has called on the Liberal Democrat Leader in Sefton Council to issue an apology after councillors from his political group were the subject of bullying complaints which have led to a recommendation that the council’s Code of Conduct for Members be reviewed. It follows news yesterday that compulsory conduct training is also to be recommended for all Sefton councillors after complaints were lodged about the behaviour of several Liberal Democrat Members at a Southport Area Committee meeting. The recommendation follows the treatment meted out to two young mums from the Kew Playground Campaign. The women attended Southport Area Committee last September … Continue reading Sefton Lib-Dem Leader should issue apology after bullying complaints leads to Code of Conduct change recommendations, says Southport Labour