A Sefton charity is inviting young people who live in the borough and want to improve life in their local community to apply for key roles as youth consultants.
Sefton CVS wants to appoint new members to its team of Young Advisors, who help local organisations to understand the interests of young people, and how to get their message across to them in a more youth-friendly way.
In this paid position for 15 to 21-year-olds, the Young Advisors are trained to speak out for young people, to ensure that their thoughts and feelings are considered when decisions are taken that affect them.
They also help organisations to ‘youth proof’ the way they operate, and to attract and maintain the interest of young people in their work.
Major research and consultation projects carried out by the Young Advisors in the past have focused on issues including youth mental health, child sexual exploitation and how to tackle anti-social behaviour.
Jo Lee of Sefton CVS, who manages the project, commented: “Becoming a Young Advisor is a great way for a young person to make a real difference to life in their area.
“In this role, they work alongside local services and businesses, and influence the way services are designed and delivered in the borough.”
Jo also pointed out that Young Advisors can work flexible hours – to accommodate other commitments such as school, college or university – and are paid at a rate of £8 an hour.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 27th September.
For more information ring Jo Lee on 0151 920 0726 ext 224 or 07850 328022 or email her at joanne.lee@seftoncvs.org.uk.
Application forms can be downloaded from the Sefton CVS website (www.seftoncvs.org.uk/projects/youngadvisors).
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