Scrooge would have approved as vicious Tory welfare policies crush disabled

15th November 2019

A Happy Christmas from the Conservatives? Not for many poorer people struggling under their harsh so-called welfare policies!

Cruel Tory welfare policies hammering the neediest people in society

The self-righteous Tories are secretly depending on the Brexit controversy to keep public attention firmly away from the thousands of people being driven into poverty due to their deeply flawed welfare system.

The number of people being disallowed disability benefits is increasing on Merseyside

Despairing disabled persons who want to record their benefits assessments are being requested to pay £1,400 for state of the art equipment by the DWP. This scandalous news has been revealed by MP Frank Field, who is hoping to be re-elected in Birkenhead. He is urging the DWP to record all assessments for sickness and disability benefits as standard. Many injustices over disabled benefit refusals have been quietly dismissed by the DWP.

Tory conference: Disabled activists shame Tories on the cost of ‘heartless’ austerity

Disabled activists have strongly protested outside the Conservative conference in Manchester in a bid to shame party members into accepting that a decade of austerity cuts from Tory-led governments have caused poverty, despair and countless deaths. Protesters spoke of how the cuts and reforms had led to the deaths of tens of thousands of disabled people, backed up by research by mainstream institutions like Oxford, Liverpool and Cambridge Universities.

DWP found guilty of publishing misleading universal credit ads

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has upheld complaints that the DWP misled readers about universal credit (UC) in a national advertising campaign costing over £250,000 earlier this year. In May a leaked memo from UC Director-General Neil Couling revealed that the DWP was funding an advertising blitz disguised as news to promote UC.

Tory MP’s staunch support for Universal Credit could lose him Southport claim

Above: A fan of Mr Scrooge and a dissenter

Southport MP Damien Moore was one of 84 Tory politicians whose majority in their constituency is considerably smaller than the number of people being moved over to the failing Universal Credit system. Many residents have experienced severe problems.

Labour’s Liz Savage previously stated: ” The Conservatives have underfunded Universal Credit from the start and are imposing severe sanctions on others while they try to hide their hamfisted handling and the overall impact of it from the public”.

The Brexit issue may understandably be paramount to many today – yet it means very little of the countless families struggling to find food, thanks to the cruelty of the current Tory-led welfare system.

Could the over-fed and overpaid official Tory mouthpieces, who frequently jump up to defend the current bogus welfare system, survive on the pitiful allowances granted to thousands of foodbank-dependent families and desperate disabled people today?

Image result for scrooge

Happy Christmas from Southport’s sanctimonious Tories?  Humbug!