Southport’s 1st Colour Blast raises cash for Galloway’s Society for the Blind.
Galloway’s Society for the Blind have already raised over £6,000 thanks to their first ever Colour Blast event.
The Colour Blast, which was also a first for the Southport area, took place on Sunday 10thJuly. Almost 400 runners set off from the Princes Park start point at 11am in a spectacular rainbow cloud countdown. The event which was sponsored by Brown Shipley, then set off down the Promenade, taking in beautiful views across Marine Lake, before heading back down Marine Drive and into Princes Park for the final Colour Station manned by the friends and family of the participants.
The 5km course also incorporated 4 other Colour Stations which were sponsored and manned by a mixture of local businesses and community groups: Green Station – Southport FC; Pink Station – Princes Trust; Red Station – BNI Networking Group and Orange Station – Chiquito’s. The sight loss charity also received support from a whole host of other local businesses who kindly donated items such as barriers (Smiths); a van (Practical Car & Van Hire); water (Tesco’s) and Natterjack Running who were there on the day to compere the event and have provided support throughout the planning process.
The first runner to finish the race, in under 30 minutes, was 24 year old Ryan Wright. The final runner across the finish line was 89 year old Jack Hudson, who is a regular volunteer at the Galloway’s Centre on Wright Street. Jack had the following to say in praise of the event: ‘It was a great privilege to do the Colour Blast and raise funds for Galloway’s and be able to give blind and partially sighted people a better life. The event was well organised and all of the marshals and volunteers did an amazing job.’
Community Fundraiser and Colour Blast organiser, Anna Eddowes-Scott described the event atmosphere as ‘carnival-like’.
‘We have been absolutely blown away by the support that the local community and businesses have shown for the first ever Galloway’s Colour Blast. We have had an incredible amount of feedback from our runners and the organisations involved, about how much they enjoyed the event and how well it organised was. A large part of this was down to the team of amazing volunteers and marshals that helped us on the day itself and we’d like to send them a huge Colour Blast cheer to say thanks – we couldn’t have done this without them.’
Galloway’s Society for the Blind hope that this colourful event will become an annual fundraiser for them. This year’s runners are being encouraged to return their sponsorship money, to the Galloway’s Office on Wright Street, by Friday 9th September.
For more information: please call Anna Scott, Community Fundraiser on 07729255216 or email
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