Rough Sleepers On Lord Street, Southport
Another day another rough sleepers. These poor men were alseep on Lord street outside the the doorway of the former ‘Keden Cometics shop’ this morning, Saturday 23 June 2018.
If you have nowhere to stay or if it is unsafe for you to return home, or you will be homeless within the next 28 days, you should contact the Housing Options Team immediately Housing Options Team Ground Floor, Merton House, Stanley Road, Bootle L20 3UU.
Tel: 0151 934 3541 Opening Times: Monday-Thursday 10 am to 4 pm Friday 10am to 3 pm Out of hours For people who become homeless when our office is closed, Sefton Council’s Health and Social Care Emergency Duty Team manages our out of hour’s service.
The service is for emergencies only and can give you general advice and will be able to assist you to find temporary emergency accommodation.
You can contact the Out of Hours service on 0151 920 8234 Monday to Thursday after 5.00p.m.
Friday after 4.15pm and any time at weekends and public holidays.
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