Richard Hands, former councillor, mayor, dies aged 78

3rd July 2024

Former mayor of Sefton Richard Hands, has passed away at the age of 78, the Southport Liberal Democrats have announced.

Richard was a highly regarded local councillor who served Birkdale from 1986 until his retirement due to health issues in 2021.

He relocated with his family to Southport from Great Yarmouth in the 1980s and became deeply involved in community activism and politics.

Richard won the Birkdale seat from the Conservatives in 1986 and maintained his position until he stepped down in 2021 due to complications from cardiac surgery.

“People of all political persuasions and none will be saddened by his passing,” said his colleague, former Southport MP John Pugh. “He was a much loved figure without a malicious bone in his body- particularly kind and supportive to all those starting out in life or in their careers. Years after ill health had blighted and scarred him, scores of people would still ask after him and remember him fondly.

“He loved his adopted town with a passion, fighting to save the Pier when it was threatened with demolition and showing up regularly at Haig Avenue no matter how the results were going. His height made him instantly memorable, but he had a big heart to match.

“Towards the end of his political career he became something of an expert in planning but there was nothing planned about Richard’s life – he just responded warmly and constructively to whatever challenges and opportunities that life threw in his way”