Residents urged to identify Crossens park arsonists

20th June 2023

Following disturbing reports this week of attempted fire setting on Crossens Rec, residents are being asked to join with local councillors in identifying those responsible.

Local councillors John Dodd, Lauren Keith and Gareth Lloyd-Johnson have condemned the actions and are now asking anyone who knows those responsible to report them to the police or council authorities. Councillors will also be working with the police and council to look at ways of combatting a recent rise in anti-social behaviour in the area.

The popular Rec has been subject to regular low-level vandalism but there is a growing feeling that a lack of respect has crept in which has seen facilities damaged,a rise in litter and more graffiti. This latest stunt, which saw fires deliberately started, shows an escalation in the severity of incidents. Following the recent hot weather, grass on the Rec is very dry and could have burnt easily and quickly, had the fire not been spotted by a resident and put out.

Liberal Democrat Councillor John Dodd said, This could have been really serious – if the fire had spread, which it easily could given how dry the land is, we could have been looking at a major incident.”

“We need to get away from the idea that this is harmless fun or just people ‘messing around’. It’s a totally unacceptable way to behave and won’t be tolerated. Crossens residents are telling us that they are sick and tired of the area suffering as a result of anti-social behaviour like this. The community has to come together and say, ‘we’re not having it’.”

“If you know those responsible, I’d simple say, report them. We want this stamped out before someone is seriously hurt.”