Residents, tradesmen and council cleaners unite to clear riot devastation

31st July 2024

A huge clean up operation has been underway since 3am this morning to restore ‘normality’ to an area of Southport rocked by rioting.

Dozens of residents of the Sussex Road and St Luke’s Road area of town have joined up with local businesspeople and Sefton Council cleansing staff to help remove tons and tons of debris.

The site of devastation follows on from riots which occurred around the Southport Islamic Society Mosque yesterday evening.

Rioters, which police say were believed to be part of the EDL, turned on emergency service personnel as they tried to prevent the mosque from being attacked.

A council spokesperson said “Our council cleansing teams and neighbourhood support teams have been out since 3am trying to clear away some of the destruction left by last nights disorder.

“They have been working hard to try and remove items and debris as quickly and as safely as possible.”

OTS understands a number of local residents plus kind hearted crews from nearby businesses have also been working tirelessly since dawn to try and restore normality to the area.