Recovering Unsubscribers – How to Re-Engage Your eCommerce Audience

22nd August 2024

In the competitive world of eCommerce, maintaining an engaged email subscriber list is crucial for driving sales and building brand loyalty. However, it’s inevitable that some subscribers will eventually choose to unsubscribe. While losing subscribers is part of the email marketing game, it doesn’t mean you’ve lost them for good. With the right strategies, you can re-engage unsubscribers and bring them back into the fold. This article explores how to effectively recover unsubscribers and re-engage your eCommerce audience.

1. Understanding Why Subscribers Unsubscribe

Before diving into strategies for re-engagement, it’s essential to understand why subscribers choose to unsubscribe in the first place. Some common reasons include:

  • Email Overload: If subscribers feel overwhelmed by the frequency of your emails, they might unsubscribe to reduce clutter in their inbox.
  • Irrelevant Content: Emails that don’t resonate with subscribers’ interests or needs can lead to disengagement and eventual unsubscription.
  • Lack of Personalisation: Generic, one-size-fits-all emails may fail to capture the attention of subscribers, leading them to lose interest.
  • Changing Preferences: Over time, a subscriber’s preferences or circumstances may change, making your emails less relevant.

By identifying the root causes of unsubscribes, you can tailor your re-engagement strategy to address these issues and improve your overall email marketing approach.

2. Create a Re-Engagement Campaign

A re-engagement campaign from an Email Marketing Agency is a targeted effort to win back unsubscribed or inactive subscribers. These campaigns are designed to rekindle interest in your brand and remind subscribers of the value you offer. Here’s how to craft an effective re-engagement campaign:

  • Segment Your List: Start by identifying the segment of your email list that has unsubscribed or become inactive. You might want to create sub-segments based on factors like the length of inactivity or past purchase behaviour.
  • Offer Incentives: One of the most effective ways to re-engage subscribers is by offering incentives. This could be a special discount, free shipping, or an exclusive offer. Make it clear that this is a limited-time offer to create urgency.
  • Personalise Your Messaging: Use personalisation to make your re-engagement emails more compelling. Address the subscriber by name, and if possible, reference their past interactions with your brand. Tailor the content to their preferences or previous purchases.
  • Ask for Feedback: Sometimes, simply asking subscribers why they unsubscribed or became inactive can provide valuable insights. Include a brief survey in your re-engagement email to gather feedback. This not only shows that you care about their opinion but also helps you refine your email marketing strategy.
  • Highlight What’s New: If you’ve introduced new products, services, or features since they last engaged with your brand, make sure to highlight these in your re-engagement emails. Show them what they’ve been missing out on.

3. Timing Is Everything

The timing of your re-engagement campaign is crucial. If you wait too long to reach out, subscribers may have already lost interest in your brand completely. On the other hand, reaching out too soon might come across as desperate or intrusive.

A good rule of thumb is to wait a few weeks after a subscriber has unsubscribed or gone inactive before sending a re-engagement email. This gives them some space while keeping your brand fresh in their mind. Additionally, consider sending a series of re-engagement emails over a set period, rather than relying on a single email to do the job.

4. Optimise Your Email Content

The content of your re-engagement emails plays a pivotal role in whether subscribers choose to re-engage or not. Here are some tips for creating effective email content:

  • Craft a Compelling Subject Line: Your subject line is the first thing subscribers will see, so it needs to grab their attention. Consider using phrases like “We Miss You” or “Come Back for a Special Offer” to spark curiosity.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: Re-engagement emails should be concise and to the point. Avoid overwhelming subscribers with too much information. Focus on the key message and call to action.
  • Use Visual Appeal: Incorporate eye-catching visuals to make your email more engaging. This could be images of your products, graphics, or even a short video.
  • Include a Strong Call to Action (CTA): Your CTA should be clear and compelling, guiding subscribers on what to do next. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Claim Your Discount,” or “Update Your Preferences,” make sure it stands out.
  • Add a Personal Touch: Where possible, personalise the content to the individual subscriber. Reference their past purchases or browsing history to show that you understand their interests.

5. Leverage Social Proof

Social proof can be a powerful tool in your re-engagement efforts. By showcasing positive reviews, testimonials, or user-generated content (UGC), you can remind subscribers of the value your products or services provide.

Consider including snippets of customer reviews or ratings in your re-engagement emails. Highlight any awards or recognitions your brand has received. UGC, such as photos or videos from satisfied customers, can also be highly effective in reigniting interest.

6. Offer an Easy Opt-In

When subscribers decide to re-engage, make the process as seamless as possible. Include a clear and easy opt-in option in your re-engagement emails, such as a single-click re-subscribe button. The easier it is for subscribers to come back, the more likely they are to do so.

Additionally, consider offering subscribers the option to update their email preferences. This allows them to choose the type of content they receive and the frequency of emails, reducing the likelihood of future unsubscribes.

7. Monitor and Analyse Results

Once you’ve launched your re-engagement campaign, it’s essential to monitor its performance and analyse the results. Key metrics to track include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and the number of re-subscribes.

By analysing these metrics, you can determine what’s working and what isn’t, allowing you to make data-driven adjustments to your strategy. For example, if you notice that certain subject lines or offers are performing better than others, you can refine your future re-engagement efforts accordingly.

8. Consider a “Win-Back” Campaign

If a subscriber doesn’t respond to your initial re-engagement campaign, you might consider launching a “win-back” campaign. This is a final attempt to re-engage subscribers before removing them from your list entirely.

A win-back campaign could include a more aggressive offer, such as a deeper discount or a more exclusive incentive. Alternatively, you could send a heartfelt message expressing how much you value their past engagement and inviting them to stay connected.

9. When to Let Go

Despite your best efforts, there will be some subscribers who simply won’t re-engage. It’s important to know when to let go. Keeping unengaged subscribers on your list can hurt your email deliverability rates and overall campaign performance.

If a subscriber doesn’t respond to your re-engagement or win-back campaigns, it may be time to remove them from your list. This doesn’t mean you’ve lost them forever — they may still interact with your brand through other channels, such as social media. However, maintaining a clean and engaged email list is essential for long-term success.


Recovering unsubscribers and re-engaging your eCommerce audience requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By understanding why subscribers leave, crafting targeted re-engagement campaigns, optimising your email content, and monitoring the results, you can win back lost subscribers and strengthen your relationship with them.

Remember, re-engagement is not just about bringing subscribers back; it’s also an opportunity to refine your email marketing strategy and improve the overall experience for your audience. With the right tactics in place, you can turn unsubscribers into loyal customers who are excited to hear from your brand again.