Quick Tips for Managing Your Screen Time: How to Stream Responsibly in UK?

29th March 2023

Are you finding yourself mindlessly scrolling through your phone, getting lost in the comments section of a post on a topic that doesn’t even interest you? Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed from constantly checking the news or social media. If so, you’re not alone.

Many of us spend countless hours in front of screens and streaming platforms on https://www.crazystreamers.com/uk/ each day, leading to strained eyes, neck pain, and a lack of balance in our lives. To maintain good mental health, it’s important to establish boundaries with our screen time. 

Tips To Help Manage Your Screen Time  

Choose the content of your social media feeds carefully

It’s essential to remember that social media should be a pleasurable experience, not a source of frustration. Therefore, it’s perfectly acceptable to unfollow or mute accounts that don’t bring us joy. 

You don’t need to feel guilty about it, either. It’s a personal choice, and it doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate the person behind the account. They won’t even know you’ve made the change.

So take some time to review your social media feeds, and don’t be afraid to unfollow or mute accounts that don’t align with your interests or values. You might be surprised at how much more enjoyable your time online can be.

Implement strategies to preserve your concentration

It is crucial to evaluate whether the time spent on such activities is worthwhile. To maintain your focus, try to limit yourself to one screen and one activity at a time. Before using your computer or device, have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. 

If you intend to spend time on social media to relax, go ahead and enjoy it. However, if your goal is to look up a specific topic, try not to get sidetracked by other intriguing headlines or content.

If you are pressed for time, make a note of what caught your attention and save it for later using a notes app, old-fashioned paper, and pen, or other methods like pinning it to a “save it for later” board on Pinterest or emailing it to yourself to read later. By adopting these strategies, you can preserve your concentration, increase your productivity, and make the most of your time spent on electronic devices.

Control the amount of news you consume

Gone are the days when the morning newspaper and evening news were the primary sources of staying informed. Today, we have 24-hour news cycles and social media platforms that provide updates in real time, making it easy to get lost in a constant stream of information. 

This can lead to a compulsive need to check for news updates throughout the day, which can be overwhelming and affect our mental health. To manage your news consumption, it is important to set boundaries for yourself. Try scheduling specific times during the day to check the news and stick to them. 

Additionally, you can limit your sources by bookmarking a few trusted news websites or following a select few news accounts on social media. This can help reduce the amount of information you consume and ensure that it comes from reliable sources.

Avoid using electronic devices while eating

Eating meals together can be a wonderful opportunity to connect with family or simply take a break from work or other distractions. However, it’s becoming increasingly common to see people staring at screens while they eat, whether it’s scrolling through social media or catching up on work emails. 

To promote a more mindful and enjoyable dining experience, it’s important to establish rules around electronic devices at mealtime. By putting your phone or tablet on silent mode or turning it off completely, you can resist the temptation to check notifications or browse the internet.

It’s also important to apply this rule to other meal times, such as lunch breaks at work. By taking a break from your work or other tasks to eat, you can give your mind a chance to rest and recharge, which can actually improve your productivity when you return to your work.

Choose a specific time to disconnect and reconnect each day

By creating designated periods where you disconnect from screens, you may find that you have more free time to engage in other activities that you enjoy. One example of this is setting your mobile phone to “do not disturb” mode during certain hours, such as from 9 pm to 8 am, which allows you to disconnect from the constant notifications and distractions that can disrupt your peace of mind. 

It is also important to be mindful of the negative impact that blue light emitted from electronic devices can have on sleep quality, so it’s a good idea to stop using these devices at least 1-2 hours before bedtime. 

If you do need to use them, consider using them solely for listening to calming content like podcasts, audiobooks, or music, and take advantage of features like the “night shift” setting on your phone or computer to reduce blue light exposure.


In conclusion, managing your screen time is crucial for maintaining good mental health. With the abundance of electronic devices and social media platforms, it’s easy to get lost in a virtual world and forget about the importance of setting boundaries. 

However, by curating your social media feeds, maintaining your focus, managing your news consumption, avoiding device use during meals, and designating screen-free times, you can find balance and peace of mind. So, take control of your screen time and prioritize your mental health today!