Public encouraged to use alternative ways to contact us in a non-emergency in a bid to reduce calls

17th March 2020
Police appeal OTS news

Police are currently encouraging the public to use alternative ways of contacting us in a non-emergency in a bid to reduce the number of calls.

The demand on our non-emergency 101 telephone number continues to be high and in the current climate we want to ensure that the people who need us most are able to get hold of us.

We know that as a lead emergency service we may also see an increase in demand on our 999 systems.

We are committed to providing an effective and efficient public service by making sure people are aware that there are other non-emergency routes to report matters rather than making a telephone call.

Did you know that by going to and clicking on the ‘report’ tab it is possible to report a crime, antisocial behaviour, fraud, lost or found property, a road traffic incident, a missing person, civil disputes and lost or stolen vehicles?

There is also information and advice available on the website in relation to firearms licensing, registering as an overseas visitor, or reporting suspicious behaviour.

Our social media desk – which is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week – is also available to take non-emergency reports. You can DM them via Twitter @MerPolCC or Facebook ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’.

By following Merseyside Police on Twitter and Facebook means you can also access our important messages and advice and information about live-time incidents such as road closures.

Chief Superintendent Claire Richards said: “We have seen an annual increase of just under 6% in 999 calls over the past 12 months and our 101 call service continues to be in high demand.

“If it is an emergency you should always call 999 but if it is a non-emergency it may be worth familiarising yourself with our website to see if it is possible to send us an online report, or to check if the information you need is there.

“We are committed to ensuring that our communities are at the heart of everything we do and we are constantly looking at ways in which we can improve our service to the public to become more efficient and effective.”

Chief Superintendent Richards added: “Whilst we are doing everything we can do to make our systems more effective I want to continue to remind people to contact us because they need us.

“We regularly receive calls on all sorts of issues such as cats up trees and blocked drains – these types of calls can put extra pressure on our call handlers and should be dealt with by other agencies such as local authorities.”

People are reminded 999 should only be used when –
a crime is happening now
Someone is injured
You, or someone else is in danger
The person who has committed the offence is still there or nearby

Examples of when you might go to

‘My car was stolen while I was on holiday’
‘A group of youths are causing a nuisance outside my home’
‘I lost my bag/wallet or I’ve found a bag/wallet