PTI Webtech: Building Scalable and Effective E-commerce Websites for Startups and Enterprise Businesses

5th July 2024

PTI Web Tech (Prerna Trimurty Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) is an IT company and one of the most forward-looking digital agencies. Their core focus lies in developing websites that are effective while being scalable.

This is a highly tactical approach wherein your web presence and website are enhanced by working on four major targets, namely strategy, technology, design, and operations. Post-launch marketing and maintenance are also covered herein.

In this article, we share with you an interview that we recently conducted with PTI Webtech’s director Mr. Sugan Chand.

Q. Should we start with an introduction to PTI WebTech?

A. As a full-stack eCommerce solution provider, we implement CMS websites on many platforms. They include BigCommerce, Shopify, WordPress, and Magento.

Another important specialization of PTI Webtech is that it creates custom web applications, which may be used for customer-facing software or integrations. We are also a official Partner of Shopify, Bigcommerce, Meta and Google ads.

Our capabilities empower us to plan and design solutions based on your budget. Further, our solutions are easy to scale when you grow as an organization. Many times, our clients consult with us even after we deliver winning solutions for them, seeking ways to derive even further mileage from the solutions.

So, as is in the case of most development firms, our work does not halt when we deliver a solution for our clients. To keep ROIs and conversion rates high at a website, one has to persistently attempt to boost the online reach. This, on the same coin, can be achieved only when one persistently monitors the website and improves it. These are the primary reasons why our association with clients frequently takes place on an ongoing basis.

Q. How is your approach different from your competitors?

A. It is not just one factor that makes us stand out, but several are involved. One of the most important among them is our robust culture of efficiency and value which passes on to our clients, through our services. We are exceedingly meticulous in conducting hirings.

Another one of the differentiating factors at PTI Webtech is that we are on a persistent lookout for ways to boost communication. We use many different tools for integrating with our clients such that communication takes place in real time. This puts us in a position to seamlessly work with our clients.

Clients prefer our services because there is no middleman problem here and the developers interact directly with the clients. This is a giant leap ahead for the development fraternity – overcoming the middlemen culture. There are cases wherein project managers, who act as middlemen, are not technical enough to properly explain problems.

Thirdly, PTI Webtech has a knack for making sure that we always share realistic timelines, scope, and budgets. That’s only because we practice due diligence at the time of the sales process and post-sale, via discovery.

In essence, software development is a tough deal and it very often happens that one or two things have a detrimental effect over the entire project. However, at PTI webtech, we attempt to ensure that the room for error is mitigated. So, little remains that can halt a project launch.

About PTI WebTech

PTI WebTech (Prerna Trimurty Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) is a full-service eCommerce agency that can handle strategy, creative, technology, and performance marketing. We are an official Shopify partner and your preferred Shopify Development Company. Besides, we meet the bill as the eCommerce Development Company for all your requirements. You can hire Shopify experts and eCommerce experts from us.


PTI WebTech has been operational since 2011, serving clients globally, primarily from the UK/US, Australia, and Europe.