92% of Sefton residents that applied for a Sefton primary school place have been offered their first choice school.
Letters and emails were sent on national offer day (April 18), informing parents/carers about the offer of a school place for their child for September, 2016.
In total there were 2,784 applications from Sefton residents, with 92% receiving their first choice while 98% were allocated one of their preferences.
A spokesperson for Sefton Council said: “Starting primary school is a major milestone in a child’s life and is the start of many years within the education system.
“Our figures show an increase from 89% in 2015 to 92% of pupils being placed in their first choice of primary school for 2015. While 98% were allocated one of their preferences.
“Figures show that many of our primary schools are some of the best in the region and it is always very pleasing so many pupils have got their first choice of school. Thanks must go to our Admissions Team who have supported many families during this process.
“As ever a small number of pupils will have missed out, and any applicant who was not allocated their first choice school still has a right to appeal.”
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