Police launch hunt for missing 11-year-old boy who has disappeared during half-term

14th February 2018

Police are appealing for information to help trace a missing 11-year-old boy from Liverpool.

Thomas Blackburn was last seen in Albany Road, Walton, at 12.30pm on Monday 12th February.

Extensive enquiries are ongoing to trace Thomas and return him home.

Thomas is described as white, around 5ft tall, of proportionate build with short, straight blond hair, blue eyes and a tanned complexion.

When last seen he was wearing a long black coat, black school pants, a white shirt and black trainers.

Thomas is known to frequently visit the Fazakerley area and local parks together with Liverpool city centre.

We are making extensive efforts to find Thomas and return him home safely. Anyone with information on his whereabouts is urged to get in touch via the Merseyside Police social media desk @MerPolCC or by calling the 101 number.

Alternatively information can be left with the independent charity Missing People by calling 116 000 or by emailing 116000@missingpeople.org.ukhttps://goo.gl/fZRTst