Police dog viciously attacked in Southport riots “forced to retire”

14th September 2024

A police dog that was injured in the Southport riots has been forced to retire, police say.

Police Dog Zoe suffered horrific injuries to her leg in the attack when vicious rioters set about attacking police in Sussex Road on July 30th.

Zoe and another police dog were both injured and had to be given serious vet treatment for their wounds.

While Zoe’s four legged colleague is now back on the streets, police say Zoe no longer has the bite to work.

Mersey Police Dogs tweeted: “We are sad to announce that following the violent disorder in Southport, PD (Police Dog) Zoe is to retire from service.

“Zoe is fit and well but we will never ask our dogs to do something they no longer want to do.

“Thank you for your bravery and service, we wish you all the happiness in retirement.”