Pigeons Taking Over Your Business? Here’s Why You Should Hire Help

19th March 2023

Pigeons can be a nuisance for any business owner. These birds can cause damage to your property, create health hazards, and deter customers from visiting your establishment. If you’re struggling to deal with a pigeon problem on your own, it may be time to consider hiring professional help. In this article, we’ll explore why hiring help to deal with pigeons can be the best course of action.

Pigeons Can Be Difficult to Remove on Your Own

Pigeons are smart birds and can quickly adapt to their surroundings. They may also be attracted to specific areas of your property, making it challenging to remove them. While there are many DIY methods for deterring pigeons, these methods may not be effective in the long term. Professional pest control services have the knowledge, tools, and experience to remove pigeons from your property effectively.

Professional Pest Control Services Can Help Prevent Damage to Your Property

Pigeon droppings can corrode and damage surfaces, and their nests can clog gutters and drains. If left untreated, this damage can be costly to repair.

Professional pest control services can help prevent damage by removing pigeons from your property and implementing measures to keep them from returning. If you want professionals to deal with these pesky pigeons, you can visit https://thepiedpiper.co.uk/pigeon-control-commercial and know more.

Pigeons Can Create Health Hazards for Your Employees and Customers

Pigeon droppings and feathers can carry a variety of diseases, including histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and salmonellosis. The symptoms of these diseases can vary from mild to severe and can include fever, cough, chest pain, fatigue, and muscle aches.

In some cases, the infection can spread to other organs and cause more serious health problems, such as meningitis or pneumonia. People with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of developing diseases coming from pigeons.

If these diseases are transmitted to employees or customers, it can lead to serious health problems. Aside from illnesses, it’ll be a big blow to your business because of possible lawsuits. Professional pest control services can help to minimize the risk of disease transmission by removing pigeon droppings and implementing measures to prevent pigeons from returning.

Hiring Professional Help Can Save You Time and Money

While it may seem like a more expensive option upfront, hiring professional pest control services can actually save you time and money in the long run. Attempting to remove pigeons on your own can be time-consuming, and may not be effective.

This can lead to prolonged damage to your property and potential health hazards. Professional pest control services can remove pigeons quickly and effectively, preventing further damage to your property and reducing the risk of health hazards.

Important Reminder

It is important to note that any methods used to deter pigeons should be humane and non-lethal. Birds, like any other animals, also have feelings. There are laws in many areas that protect birds from harm, so it is important to ensure that you are following these laws.

Laws pertaining to violence against animals can carry huge penalties. Failure to follow guidelines about controlling pests and animals such as pigeons entails paying fines or even spending jail time if proven guilty. Make sure to know more about your local wildlife laws before proceeding with any animal control measure.


While pigeons may seem harmless, they can actually cause significant damage to your business if left unchecked. If pigeons are taking over your business, it’s important to take action to prevent damage to your property and protect your employees and customers from health hazards.

Hiring professional pest control services can be the most effective and efficient way to remove pigeons from your property and prevent them from returning. Don’t let pigeons impact your business – contact a professional today to take care of the problem.