Merseyside’s Police Commissioner has today unveiled her third annual report after presenting it to the body which oversees her work.
Jane Kennedy has released her 2014/15 Annual Report following a meeting of the Police and Crime Panel yesterday at which she talked through the report to members, who have now formally endorsed it.
The report details the extensive work carried out by the Commissioner over the last financial year, between 1st April 2014, and 31st March 2015, and gives both the Panel and the public of Merseyside the chance to review and appraise her progress in delivering her Police and Crime Plan.
The 46-page report describes the Commissioner’s work over the last 12 months and details her efforts to offset and minimise the effects of the unprecedented financial challenge currently facing Merseyside Police.
The Force has already seen its budget reduced by more than £60m since 2010 and these cuts are predicted to double in the next four years. Additional cuts, on top of those already calculated, are now anticipated in next year’s grant, the full extent of which will be revealed in the Comprehensive Spending Review announcements in the autumn.
In spite of these on-going cuts, the Annual Report details the Force’s progress on the Commissioner’s key priorities including tackling serious and organised crime, providing a visible and accessible neighbourhood policing style and taking effective action against hate crime.
Jane said: “I am very proud of the progress Merseyside Police has made over the last financial year.
“Despite the ominous context of cutbacks and job losses, the service that Merseyside Police offers is still exceptionally high. I know this because I scrutinise the Force’s work at quarterly performance meetings, I have regular one-to-one meetings with the Chief Constable and I carry out unannounced monthly visits at stations across the Force area.
“During these visits and throughout my day-to-day work, I continue to be impressed by the unfailing commitment, drive and resilience demonstrated by the officers, PCSOs and staff of Merseyside Police. Releasing my third annual report gives me the opportunity to thank them for their continued efforts and applaud their dedication. I know they are working tirelessly with all our partners to make our communities safer and better places to live.
“Over the last year, I have been vocal about the financial battle we face if Merseyside Police is to continue to set a balanced budget. As the cutbacks continue and the situation becomes ever more dire, I have promised to do everything I can to urge the Government to reconsider its’ unnecessary and foolhardy programme of austerity.”
The report covers the PCC’s on-going efforts to set a balanced budget in the face of the cuts and how she has worked with the Chief Constable to use the available resources in the most effective and efficient way to deliver policing on Merseyside.
It also details the time the PCC commits to meeting members of the public, attending community events and her extensive work to improve partnerships with all the key agencies in the region.
The Commissioner has a statutory responsibility to produce an Annual Report and, as she did last year, Jane took the decision to provide a draft version to the Panel so they could provide feedback and suggestions. In light of their comments, a ‘Lesson Learnt’ feature has been added to the report which details areas for continued improvement for the year ahead.
Read the full report here. All feedback is welcomed, please use the Contact page to share your views with the Commissioner.
See the PCC’s previous Annual Reports.
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