Photo: Papa John’s, Lord Street, Southport
Meet the Papa Johns team.
Papa John’s will officially open Monday 4th April.
Opens every day 11am-11pm.
All opening offers will be on
Update 21 March 2016
Workmen were today making the finishing touches to the new Papa John’s takeaway which will open soon on Lord Street.
1. Introduction
The planning application is for a change of use of Unit 1, Ribble Buildings, Lord Street, Southport.
The application is for a Papa John’s unit including a home delivery service.
The application is supported by drawings, a location plan and details of the proposed extract system.
2. Site and surrounding area
The unit is currently vacant and has been since planning permission was granted for the refurbishment and change of use of the building in 2012.
The building includes a busy Travelodge Hotel. The other unit on the ground floor is also vacant.
To the rear of the building is a large Morrisons supermarket and a retail park and then the promenade.
The building lies on Lord Street, a busy thoroughfare, containing many commercial operations e.g. shops, bars, restaurants and public houses.
The proposed operation would offer an additional service to the area in that it predominantly provides a delivery service.
The proposal is to obtain change of use from A1 to A5 with associated works for the erection of extract and ventilation equipment at the rear. The application also included the subdivision of the unit which currently has the benefit of an A3 permission.
I am forwarding drawings and rel premises and details of the proposed extract system.
The proposal would bring a national chain into the area which would enhance the area and the level of investment in the building would allow it to be utilised.
Jobs would be forthcoming for local people and additional service would be available for residents, visitors and people working locally.
4 National Planning Policy Framework: NPPF
The applicant has given consideration to national policy contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF outlines some key policies that support aspects of this application. The NPPF identifies that the main purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, with regards to three dimensions, comprising of economic, social and environmental roles.
A core principle of the NPPF states that “every effort should be made objectively to identify and then meet the housing, business and other development needs of an area, and respond positively to wider opportunities for growth”.
Paragraph 14 identifies that at the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-making. This means approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay and where the development plan is absent, silent or out of date, grant planning permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the NPPF.
Policies in Paragraphs 18 to 219 constitute the Government’s views of what sustainable development in England means in practice; the most relevant paragraphs to this application are outlined below.
The NPPF very clearly underlines the Government’s commitment to ensure that the planning system does everything it can to support sustainable economic growth.
Paragraph 19 states that “significant weight should be placed on the need to support economic growth through the planning system”.
Paragraph 23 states that planning policies should be positive, promote competitive town centre environments and set out policies for the management and growth of centres over the plan period.
Transport policies have an important role to play in facilitating sustainable development. Of particular relevance is Paragraph 32, stating that development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe.
Also of relevance is Paragraph 39, noting that local planning authorities should take into account:
• The accessibility of the development;
• The type, mix and use of development;
• The availability of and opportunities for public transport;
• Local car ownership levels; and
• An overall need to reduce the use of high-emission vehicles
In determining planning applications, Paragraph 196 states that the NPPF is a material consideration. Paragraph 197 reiterates that in assessing and determining proposals “local planning authorities should apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development”.
The unit will operate from 11am to 24.00 Monday to Sunday. This will encourage customers and footfall during daytime shopping hours as well as contributing towards the evening economy.
Therefore the amenities of nearby residents would not be adversely affected by any noise and disturbance caused by late night opening hours as the area is characterised by the growing popularity of city centre living.
It is considered that the proposal would cause a negligible effect on neighbouring amenity in terms of noise and disturbance particularly considering the existing situation and ambient noise levels. The opening times of this facility will not just be confined to the evening, rather extending from the morning through the afternoon to evening, providing an active frontage during the daytime and into the evening.
The proposed location of the extraction equipment associated with the use is positioned some distance from any residential property. Details of the extraction equipment are submitted with the application and ventilation design principles are shown on the drawings submitted.
The extraction equipment consists of a high specification as is shown on the drawings.
The proposed use employs oven based cooking with no fat.
The proposed use will therefore not have a detrimental impact on residential amenity as a consequence of either noise or odours.
The proposed location and design of the extraction and other equipment would mean it is not be visually intrusive, particular when considered to the character and appearance of the surrounding service yard to which it would located. The proposal would not cause a detrimental impact on the surrounding area.
There is parking demised to the unit for the use of delivery vehicles.
By providing a delivery service, this will reduce the number of individuals who travel to the site in vehicles, with potentially only those passing the unit likely to opt to collect their food in person, to take back to their homes or workplace, Two mopeds will operate this service.
In this increasingly technological age orders can be placed via the internet or mobile phone and few people visit units intending to wait for preparation and cooking. Some customers will order prior to alighting public transport and then collect on the walk home.
Compared to other A5 uses, a very limited amount of on-street eating will occur as a result of this facility simultaneously reducing the potential impact of litter. The nature of the product – fresh from the oven, extremely hot and large and not easy to handle whilst walking – does not encourage eating in the street.
Overall the proposal would not cause a detrimental impact on neighbouring amenity and traffic generation, and particularly would not cause a detrimental impact with regards to issues usually associated with A5 uses such as late night opening hours, noise, disturbance, smell and litter.
My client fulfils the requirements of the DDA and their units are accessible to less mobile people, people with children in buggies etc.
The delivery service allows access by people who may not be able to visit the shop and the ordering system by telephone or via the internet widens the opportunities for people to place orders.
The investment into the unit would enhance the parade as well as bringing economic life into a unit which has been vacant for some time although in a prominent position and marketed widely. .
National guidance referring to the determining of planning applications, in Paragraph 196 states that the NPPF is a material consideration.
Paragraph 197 of The NPPF reiterates that in assessing and determining proposals “local planning authorities should apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development”.
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