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Brexit - Page 7

Party Hopper Darcy savaged over Liz rail crossing issue

New Southport Brexit Candidate: genuine safety concerns or simply more political engineering? Through a Freedom of Information request, Labour campaigners discovered that the contentious Birkdale rail crossing site was recommended for an
30th August 2019

Protests planned for Fararge resort rally

Controversial politician Nigel Farage is coming to Southport. Farage will host a rally at Southport Theatre next month as the Brexit Party is holding a conference in North West England as part
28th August 2019

What every SME should know about personal guarantees

Start-ups and SMEs looking for sources of funding need to think carefully before signing personal guarantees, according to a leading corporate lawyer. James Pressley, Corporate and Commercial solicitor from Kirwans law firm,
30th July 2019
Is Damian Moore Backing Bojo?

Is Damian Moore Backing Bojo?

As 0.025 per cent of the population (the ageing Tory Party membership) prepares to choose our next Prime Minister, the people of Southport are wondering how our MP is going to vote.
13th June 2019

Slipping standards in UK politics

Some people have been shocked at a vulgar campaign mounted by the LibDems with their slogan ‘Bollocks to Brexit’. A YouGov survey in 2010 found that 67% felt “bollocks” should only be
26th May 2019

Labour confused over EU policy, says MEP

The Labour Party is in such a shambolic mess it has no idea what its policy over the EU is, claimed North West MEP Paul Nuttall today. “Are they for a second
16th May 2019

Kevin and his quest against Ainsdale’s Invisible Man

Plucky Labour candidate for Ainsdale, Kevin Donnellon, has launched a harsh attack on the Southport Tories. Crosby man Kevin’s latest flyer bangs his drum with ‘sick of Tory lies and barefaced hypocrisy?’. On a
27th April 2019

UK blocks Sainsbury’s-Asda supermarket merger

A mega-merger of British supermarkets Asda and Sainsbury’s collapsed on Thursday after regulators blocked the deal on the grounds it would spark higher prices and damage competition. The Competition and Markets Authority
25th April 2019

Proud Lib Dems – out to save the planet!

It seems that we must all vote Lib Dem, to avoid a very nasty Armageddon. We must vote Lib Dem to stop the earth’s climate changing and get rid of cyclones. This appears to
31st March 2019

Indecisive Damien turns No Man for crunch vote

There are calls for Southport MP to make up his mind after an embarrassing night in parliament. The Tory MP voted No to 8 different Brexit related debates last night in Westminster
28th March 2019

Southport Squad Join March for People’s Vote

As the Brexit deadline approaches, a coachload from Southport are joining the massive march for a People’s Vote today in London. The coach is organised through members of ‘Southport For Europe’ .
23rd March 2019
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