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Brexit - Page 4

GBP/USD – Buy or Sell?

The British Pound (GBP USD) stands as one of the world’s oldest and most influential currencies. The impact of the British pound on the world economy is significant, due to the fact
26th September 2023

Should you invest in UK equities?

Should you invest in UK equities? UK equities used to be the core of any Briton’s investment portfolio. In the 1980s and 1990s, they were highly sought after  – Britain had a
28th July 2023

Tips To Get Your UK Business Back Into Europe

For many UK businesses, Brexit has dealt a significant blow to profits, and the overall trade with Europe has fallen considerably. The UK still produces top-quality merchandise and services, and Europe as
22nd May 2023

What is Global Talent Visa In Great Britain

When the UK left the EU, it faced a severe shortage of skilled workers. Therefore, the country eased the conditions as much as possible and reduced the packages of documents for migration
28th February 2023

GHIC – An overview

GHIC has replaced EHIC In the last week of December 2020, the UK government announced it was going to launch the GHIC (global health insurance card) as a substitute for the EHIC.
21st September 2022

MP hits back over councillor criticism

MP Damien Moore has hit back after he was criticised by Cllr Greg Myers and the Southport Labour Party regarding his stance on Boris Johnson. Cllr Myers accused Mr Moore of ‘hypocrisy’
13th July 2022

Damien Moore: PM must resign

Damien Moore has called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to resign. Mr Moore said that he believes that Southport constituents are “rightly uncomfortable” with the leadership of the Conservative party. The Southport
6th July 2022

Things to Consider When Choosing an Online Casino

Online casinos had flourished for the past couple of years, especially after 2020, when many brick-and-mortar casinos were closed, and their players shifted to gambling online. You’ll be able to find lots
17th April 2022

The Ever-Growing Challenges For UK Scale-ups

With Brexit pushing forth many economic reforms and the Coronavirus Pandemic dropping additional strain against economies worldwide, several challenges arose for British scale-ups. These jumpers have been an integral part of the
8th August 2021
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