‘Options’ being assessed at Smedley Hydro but no changes until 2030

14th September 2024

OTS News has learned that the government is considering the “long-term options” for Smedley Hydro following speculation on the site’s future.

A government spokesperson has confirmed to OTS News that there will be “no changes” at the site until 2030 at the earliest.

The Cabinet Office says that the review began under the previous government and that staff will be consulted extensively before any change.

The spokesperson did not confirm what “options” were being considered.

The statement comes after Southport’s MP Patrick Hurley wrote to Cabinet Secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds on Wednesday, calling for clarity on the site’s future.

A government spokesperson told OTS News: “A decision was taken under the previous government to assess long-term options for the site as part of cost-effective management of the government estate.”

The spokesperson added: “No changes would take place until 2030 at the earliest. An extensive consultation will take place with affected staff ahead of any change.”