Photo: Off-road scrambler
Off-Road Scrambler Seized in Southport
Merseyside police has this morning seized an an off-road scrambler in Virginia Street, Southport, Saturday 21 May 2016.
Merseyside Police are targeting the illegal and anti-social use of scrambler and off road bikes – Operation Brookdale.
Operation Brookdale was put in place in response to growing public concerns and an increase in the use of these bikes. The operation ran throughout Merseyside, but centred on communities that have suffered from the illegal and anti-social use these vehicles.
Activities include enforcement of traffic laws, increased high visibility and plain-clothes patrols and education in schools about the dangers of using scrambler bikes illegally.
The operation has resulted in 140 vehicles being seized, and 66 arrests being made to date.
Where the bikes seized proved to be stolen, every effort was made to return them to rightful owners. The vehicles with significant damage will be disposed of. However, some which were in full working order will be passed on to a registered charity, who will ship them oversees to be used in third world countries.
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