Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party polling higher than Labour and Tories combined before EU elections

11th May 2019

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party polling higher than Labour and Tories combined before EU elections

The Brexit Party has more support than the Conservatives and Labour combined, according to a new poll.

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage speaks during a news conference in London

Nigel Farage’s party leads a poll ahead of the European election

The Brexit Party is polling higher than the two major parties combined ahead of this month’s European election.

Nigel Farage’s party are on course to get 34% of the votes, according to the latest Opinium poll for the Observer.

Labour are on 21% and the Conservatives are in fourth place on 11%.

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The pro-EU Liberal Democrats are in third place on 12%.

The poll of 2,004 people also asked voters about their intentions in the next general election and Labour leads this with 28%.

The Conservatives are on 22%, just 1% ahead of the Brexit Party.

Despite the dominance of Brexit as an issue, many voters do not know where each party stands on it – 36% were not aware of the Conservative stance and 38% were not aware of Labour’s.

Mr Farage launched his party in April, announcing his aim to take on the political establishment, which he accused of betraying Leave voters.

Prime Minister Theresa May has been in talks with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in an effort to reach a Brexit deal that will be passed by parliament. Mrs May has tried and failed three times to get her own deal passed by MPs.

Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn
Image:Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn have been trying to agree on a Brexit deal

The Opinium poll comes after both Labour and the Conservatives were punished by voters in the local council elections.

Elections for the European Parliament are to be held on 23 May and Britain will take part, after failing to leave the bloc by the initial deadline of the end of March.

Britain is now due to leave the EU in October.