A Crime Alert has been issued by Sefton Neighbourhood watch warning residents to be on their guard after a number of burglaries in Sefton
In the past two weeks a high number of burglaries or attempted burglaries have taken place across the borough
In 4 of the incidents the properties had been left insecure.
Securing access to the back of the property can act as a deterrent to offenders. You can add trellis to the top of fences to make the barrier higher. Trellis makes it difficult for a potential thief to climb over. Some shrubs and climbers can also act as a deterrent as thorns or trees with sharp needle type leaves act as a painful barrier.
Elsewhere a complaint has been received that representatives from a company have been knocking on doors in the Sefton area and pressurising elderly and vulnerable people into getting their driveways cleaned and quoting unreasonable prices of £200 plus.
They are apparently very persistent and intimidating and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
The Police have received a report of them specifically being told not to clean a driveway, but they went ahead and cleaned it when the person wasn’t at home. They have then repeatedly returned to the address and demanded money.
The males have been posting leaflets through the doors that shows a telephone number and a website. The free telephone number doesn’t connect and the website doesn’t exist.
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