MP visits Greenbank High School to take part in Politics Enrichment Day

25th March 2019

Damien Moore MP visits Greenbank High School to take part in Politics Enrichment Day with Year 10 students.

Last week, Damien Moore MP visited Greenbank High School for their annual Politics Enrichment Day event and made a speech to students about how the political system in Westminster works.

In particular, he discussed the work he does in Parliament on daily basis. This includes asking questions to ministers asking putting questions to the Prime Minister on a Wednesday.

As Chairman for the All-Parliamentary Party Groups (APPG) on Belgium, Luxemburg, Tunisia and Blockchain, he expanded on the duties he fulfils when chairing these groups, for example, holding meetings with foreign ambassadors, chairing and taking part in all the meetings.

In his time at the school, Damien also explained the paramount importance of his constituency work, this alongside his responsibilities within Parliament, he made the point that he returns to Southport every week to either meet constituents, visit local NHS practices, schools and charities. Damien also commented on how important it was to look after his constituents, and listen to any concerns, and thereafter vocalise these concerns in Parliament.

After the speech, Damien took part in a question and answer session with the students, on issues such as Brexit, lowering the voting age and immigration.

Commenting, Damien Moore MP said:

‘It was clear that that the students had completed their homework, as they asked a number of thought-provoking questions. I really enjoyed interacting with the students and providing them with an insight into my job in Parliament. It was clear to me that the students will have a bright future in front of them, some of them are destined for public office.’

Commenting, Mr Raikes, Headteacher said:

‘Greenbank High School was delighted to be once again welcoming our local MP, Damien Moore to our Year 10 Politics Enrichment Day. Mr Moore spoke to pupils about what it is like to be an MP, and expanded on current local and national issues. 

‘Mr Moore is a regular visitor who is clearly interested in education and what our schools achieve. Moreover, it was also obvious from the event that he cares about the students and how well they do in the future ’

More on Moore