MP visits farm to discuss harvest time and…. Brexit

30th August 2019

Sefton Central MP, Bill Esterson thanked Damian and Bill Ashton for hosting his visit to Eccleston Farm in Ince Blundell. The farmers, who were accompanied by National Farmers’ Union representatives told Mr Esterson about their harvest of cereal and potatoes and the challenges and uncertainties of not knowing what will happen after Brexit.

Mr Esterson said, “Thank you to Damian and Bill Ashton for hosting me and for telling me about their family history of running Eccleston Farm for many generations. Thanks also to the National Farmers’ Union for arranging the visit.

“We had a really good discussion about the farm, about the challenges of selling crops, the behaviour of supermarkets and of course Brexit. The NFU have told me many times that uncertainty about farmers who export is a real concern and that they want a deal to be agreed with the EU.

“Crashing out without a deal would leave farmers not knowing what arrangements would be in place for them to export their produce and it would lead to uncertainty for farms like Eccelston Farm because we just don’t know what the arrangements would be at the ports for the import of goods like fertiliser. Of course for consumers, unless arrangements are in place before we leave, there is the very real risk that imports of food would be affected in the short term. And while that might mean short term demand for local farm produce, longer term a deal with the United States would mean cheaper imports and lower food standards because US standards are lower than ours.

“UK farmers produce some of the highest quality food in the world. Overseas customers really prize the quality of our food and I think it would be a big mistake to lower our standards, which is the price of a deal with the United States.

“I think it would be short sighted for the UK government to leave without sorting out the arrangements for farmers or for supermarkets or for consumers. The same of course applies for medicines and for services like car insurance which is often bought from companies on the continent or in the Irish Republic. Without an agreement, there would be a big question about whether insurance would be valid. This applies for farmers for equipment, crops, buildings and vehicles and of course to everyone else as well. The need to have arrangements in place before we leave is why I am doing what I can to stop No Deal. That is in the interests of farmers like Damian and Bill Ashton and it is true for all my constituents.

“We also had a great conversations about how farming is changing its approach to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, ie methane and carbon dioxide. Investment in new farming methods and in new equipment and machinery is part of the answer. Planting crops and preserving hedgerows and trees and planting more is also important in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

“Thank you again to Damian, to Bill and to the NFU for an enjoyable and lively discussion and visit. Eccleston Farm has been a success story in Ince Blundell for generations and I wish them well for many generations to come.”

Bill Esterson MP is pictured at Eccleston Farm in Ince Blundell with members of the Ashton family and NFU representatives

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