MP backs 1950s born women over pension unfairness

7th May 2019
Sefton Central Labour MP, Bill Esterson congratulated women campaigners for pension justice when he joined them at Aintree Retail Park. The Women Against State Pension Injustice (WASPI) Liverpool campaign spoke to shoppers outside M&S on Saturday from noon and are there again next Saturday.
Mr Esterson said, “Thanks to the WASPI campaigners at Aintree Retail Park. Real anger about being cheated out of their state pension. 3.8 million women affected by raising the pension age.
WASPI are asking to be treated fairly and for transitional arrangements to be made, not the sudden, cliff edge approach, which the government is imposing.
I fully support their demands for a fair approach and for support for women (and men) affected by the changes. This is causing real financial hardship and it cannot be right to treat women, this way, many who have worked in vital low paid jobs. And it cannot be right to expect women who have physically demanding jobs including as carers and teaching assistants to carry on working way past the retirement age they were promised.”
Details of the campaign are at #WASPIcampaign2018