Moving To London: Average Salary To Sustain A Family Of Three

24th March 2023

Due to supply chain concerns and inflation, living expenses are rising in the UK. The cost of living should be considered when creating your budget and making financial decisions since it can influence where you choose to live and work.

Although quantifying the quality of life is subjective and challenging, it is simpler to forecast living standards based on income and location.

While comparing different locations, consider things like housing costs, transit costs, and food prices.

With top-paying employment in smaller towns or regional cities, the UK is a diverse and fascinating location. Everyone can find something to enjoy in this dynamic nation.

Comfortable Lifestyle In The UK – What Is It Like?

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association conducted annual research to establish how much a retiree would cost to live a Basic, Moderate, and Comfortable lifestyle.

They consider every expense a person or couple may incur, including food, drink, transportation, and vacations.

A few examples are:

  • A weekly food budget of £62.03.
  • A monthly clothes budget of £46.83.
  • A yearly vacation budget of £1,305.
  • £1143 per month for comfortable house rent.

The average cost of living for a retired couple would be:

  • £103.70 per week for food.
  • £68.24 per month for clothing.
  • £2,261.24 per year for vacations.

The cost of the weekly grocery store may seem low, but the most current statistics don’t account for the full effects of the Covid epidemic.

The Costs Of Raising A Kid In The UK

Depending on the region, it is said that raising a kid in the UK costs anywhere from £160,000 to £190,000.

This covers necessities like food, housing, and child care but excludes extras like presents, vacations, and hobbies.

According to the Child Poverty Action Group, the largest expenses for families are daycare and housing.

In recent years, the average number of children per household has dropped to fewer than two, most likely due to rising expenditures associated with raising a family.

The initial several months after having a kid are the most trying since this is the time when parents make the bigger purchases.

Due to the expenditures associated with meeting their more basic demands during the first few months, having children can increase monthly spending by an average of £300 to £500.

The average amount parents spend on their kids decreases significantly once they graduate from college and is now mostly focused on birthdays and other special occasions.

Needs for education and pastimes will eventually replace these expenses.

Cost Of Healthcare In The UK

Healthcare spending in the UK increased by 10.0% in real terms, after accounting for inflation, and 15.7% in nominal terms in 2020.

Around 83% of all healthcare costs, or £213.4 billion, were covered by the government. 12.5% of total expenditures were made out of pocket, and 2.2% was covered by optional health insurance.

The two smallest types of funding, accounting for 2.1% and less, respectively, were company financing and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH).

Curative and rehabilitative care contributed 62.8% more to the rise in government healthcare spending in 2020 than any other healthcare function.

Government-funded reactions to the pandemic, such as coronavirus testing and tracking, public awareness campaigns, and local authority expenditures on outbreak control, caused a significant rise in government spending on preventive care in 2020.

In December 2020, it was calculated that a tiny dose of the COVID-19 vaccine would cost about £60 million to administer.

Earn The Salary For A Comfortable Living

Your location might greatly influence how much money you need to make to live comfortably. Also, the size of your household and the cost of living in other areas or cities might affect you.

When deciding what salary you can earn to support yourself and your family, it is crucial to consider all of these considerations.

Create a monthly budget after analyzing your income and expenses to manage your money wisely. Create a savings account and deposit some of your paychecks each month.

If you want to be able to afford luxuries like a foreign vacation or a new automobile, regular saving is also essential.

Raisin UK provides flexible savings accounts with more attractive interest rates, such as notice accounts and easy access savings accounts, that let you access your money anytime.