MISSING: Southport man TJay not seen since last week

11th March 2025

Please share and help police find missing 36-year-old TJay Waters from Southport.

TJay has been missing from home and he was last seen on Fridy 7 March on Eastbank Street.

Extensive enquiries are ongoing to find him.

He is 5ft 9in tall, of slim build, and blonde hair.

TJay was last seen wearing navy blue padded jacket, black tracksuit pants, black trainers with an orange stripe.

However, he may now be wearing an orange t-shirt, grey tracksuit pants and white trainers.

He is known to frequent the Southport and Lancashire areas.

Please pass on any sightings via our form https://www.merseyside.police.uk/ro/report/mp/v2/add-something-reported-missing/ or any other information to @MerPolCC or 101.