Sefton Council is offering local residents who are interested in becoming foster carers the chance to find out more about fostering in their local community as part of Foster Care Fortnight.
Organised by national charity The Fostering Network, Foster Care Fortnight takes place 1-14 June and this year’s theme is ‘Making a Connection’ to fostering. Whatever your relationship status, gender, sexuality, age or faith, you are encouraged to come forward to foster children or promote foster care to others in your community.
As part of “Making a Connection”, Sefton Council’s Fostering and Adoption Service is teaming up with Sefton Care Leavers Centre. This follows on from the success of the recent foster carer recruitment campaign which the two services worked on together.
In Sefton there is a need for carers for children of all ages, but in particular older children, teens and sibling groups. There are 420 children in Sefton who are looked after. Sefton Fostering and Adoption Service wants 30 new carers to help meet the increased demand.
David Fairclough, Co-ordinator at Sefton Care Leavers Centre, said, “At the centre we support young people leaving care and offer support and training to carers. Only in the last year did we begin to work jointly with Sefton Fostering and Adoption Services on campaigns and linking very closely on social media. Our growing relationship makes this year’s theme for Foster Care Fortnight feel very apt”
Cllr. John Joseph Kelly, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Safeguarding, said, “This is a moment for our communities to reflect on the links that we all have to fostering, whether as children who need foster carers, adults who have been in care, family and friends who are fostered, or the network of dedicated professionals who support our children.
“I am pleased to see young people at Sefton Care Leavers Centre working alongside Sefton Council’s Fostering and Adoption Service to share this important message”
If you or someone you know is thinking of becoming a foster carer or adopting children, contact Sefton Council’s Fostering and Adoption Service on FREEPHONE 0800 923 2777 or You can also find the service on Facebook and Twitter. To find out how you can get involved with Sefton Care Leavers Centre, contact the team on 0151 928 1380.
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