Macmillan Mobile Information Unit Visits Southport Tuesday 24th March

24th March 2015

The Macmillan Mobile Information Unit is on Chapel Street in Southport Town Centre from 10am to 4pm.

The unit aims to provide free cancer information and support to members of the public in an easy, accessible way.

The team of Cancer Information and Support Specialists welcome anyone from people who are well but are just worried, those with a diagnosis or anyone with general questions or concerns relating to cancer.


Cara Connolly, Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Specialist “Our unit covers the North of England and Scotland, making visits to rural locations, towns, cities and attending specific events. We see around 250 visitors a week on the unit with a wide range of needs.”

“for those who aren’t able to come and see us today but would still like information, please visit the Macmillan website or our Support line number”

0808 808 0000


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