Low turnout Likely in Local Elections as May and Corbyn Race to the Bottom

28th March 2019

Politicians in Southport are bracing themselves for a really low turnout in the coming local elections as a reaction to national politicians. Latest YouGov polling (above) shows that both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition are registering their lowest ever public negative standings – and the trend is still downwards. It seems that only voters who make their minds up on truly local matters are likely to vote in May’s local election as national politics has become a big turn-off.

Theresa May’s Brexit fiasco is thought to be behind her two year slide in popularity from ‘net positive’ to now having a record low rating of minus 39 per cent. Jeremy Corbyn, though, is presently beating her in the race to the bottom with a polling level of minus 53 per cent. While his unfavorability with Conservatives and Liberals in understandable, it seems that the reason for Mr Corbyn’s latest slump in support is due to his falling out of favour with millions of Labour voters over Brexit.
