Lincoln House GP surgery to close

22nd August 2024

Patients of Lincoln House GP surgery are receiving letters informing them that the practice is to close.

Southport And Formby Health, a private company offering NHS services have been operating the surgery on an interim basis since January, but have now confirmed they will end their contract to operate Lincoln House in October.

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside have confirmed they will close the Lincoln Road surgery, saying they do not believe they can find suitable operators for the practice.

Patients will be automatically moved to another nearby surgery that has at least a “good” Care Quality Commission overall rating.

Medical records will also be transferred automatically.

The letter to patient reads: “We want people to have good quality, sustainable GP services which provide continuity of care.

“We have looked at different options for Lincoln House Surgery, but unfortunately, we do not believe we will be able to find someone else to run the practice in the future.”