Letter to the editor | Southport MP Successfully Lobbies Police in Fight Against Knife Crime

21st February 2018

Letter to the editor:

I wasn’t surprised to see Preston councillor and so called Southport MP claiming he had a role in getting knife wands into Southport nightclubs.

Last time I checked the money came from our Labour council but surprise, surprise, there’s a glowing self affirming piece in the media this week from Mr Moore claiming it’s all his work because he ‘lobbied’ someone.

As we all know, lobbying is tough when you’re never in your town you represent and are always on Jolly ‘working’ holidays to foreign countries.
Venues across Sefton will now be equipped with the metal-detecting wands in a bid to help prevent people entering the premises with dangerous weapons.

Funding has been made available by the Sefton Safer Communities Partnership with no help whatsoever from Southport’s esteemed MP.

Yet another reason to vote for local Labour in May elections. But that doesn’t stop the press publishing his crap.

Brian Stewart,