Lee Mack rules out ever performing in Southport

16th March 2025

Another Southport celebrity has ruled out a working return to their hometown.

Comedian Lee Mack has confirmed he will never perform a stand up routine in Southport, saying he would be far too nervous.

The household name claimed that it would cause him too much unrest to perform in his hometown because he would recognise people in the audience.

He gave an interview to the Liverpool Echo this week saying “ I’ve never done a gig in Southport and I never will.

“It just feels wrong for me to do that. It’s just the nerves. It’s too close to home. I know those people.

“I always have a psychological trick when I go on stage, I’ll never see these people again for as long as I live and then it gives you a bit of confidence.

“You can’t say that if your Auntie Gladys is in.”