Learn more about where you live through a Community Chat

4th February 2019

Local residents are being encouraged to learn more about their communities through the new Community Chat events.

Residents can now engage even further with Sefton Council and its many different partners through the Community Chat events that replace the Constituency Forums.

Led by Sefton Council, the Community Chats are a more relaxed way for residents to talk to community groups, agencies, councillors and Council departments about any issues they have.

They will be held in each of the respective Parliamentary Constituencies within Sefton; Bootle, Central Sefton and Southport.

Cllr Paulette Lappin, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member Corporate Services, said: “The Community Chat events are designed as an opportunity for local residents to really learn more about their communities.

“The format will be a market-place style at which there will be a number of tables for community groups, partners, ward Councillors and internal Sefton departments to attend.

“People can move around from table to table depending on their particular needs and learn more about things that affect their community.

“We really hope that this format will benefit our valued local communities so that they can attend in a more relaxed way at which they feel that the Council and its partners are more accessible and friendly.

“Dates for the Constituency Chats have been announced and I really hope people take the time to attend them.”

The planned dates for the Community Chats across Sefton are:

• Southport – Wednesday, February 13 at 6pm in The Atkinson Studio Room
• Bootle – Wednesday, February 27 at 6pm at Bootle Town Hall
• Sefton Central – Thursday, March 7 at 6pm at Formby PDC

Each forum is expected to finish around 8pm.