Labour chief challenging Corbyn over Brexit is from SOUTHPORT

29th May 2018

Labour chief challenging Corbyn over Brexit is from SOUTHPORT

​The Labour Party’s chief European MP ​has put down a challenge to Jeremy Corbyn over Brexit by saying that Labour could back a second EU referendum.​

Labour’s top MEP ​Richard Corbett was born in Southport and attended Birkdale’s
Farnborough Road Junior School.
Speaking out on his own website, Mr Corbett ​says​ ​that ​many in Labour want a second referendum on the final deal He claims that the Labour frontbench has not made up its mind over whether or not to hold another vote​.​

​Britain’s looming departure risks damaging Britain and sucking money out of the NHS and other vital public services.
Mr Corbett’s comments pile ​further ​pressure on Jeremy Corbyn to change his stance and oppose leaving the EU’s customs union and single market.
​This ​highlights further​ the bitter splits within the Labour Party​ over the Brexit issue where the majority of Labour supporters who back staying in the EU cannot understand how their MPs stay so silent on the matter – or even seem to back Theresa May on the issue.
In an interview posted on his website, Mr Corbett sa​ys​:​”​I’m not surprised there is a growing clamour, even from people who voted Leave, to say we want to be able to reconsider because Brexit’s turning out to be somewhat different from what was promised by the Leave campaign.”​
​”​Far from bringing in lots of money that would all go to the NHS, it’s costing an arm and a leg. Far from helping out economy, it is damaging it.​”
​”​Far from having easy new trade deals with the rest of the world that is looking rather dodgy and rather unlikely, or at least not on terms that would be beneficial to Britain.​”​

” So it’s not surprising to say its all very well to vote for Brexit on the general principal but we want a say on the actual Brexit deal once we can see what it really entails. “ 

Remain-backing Labour MPs , particularly those from Merseyside, are urging Mr Corbyn to back a slew of changes to the EU Withdrawal Bill when it returns to the House of Commons next month.They want Labour to back demand s that Britain stays in the EU customs union and European Economic Area (EEA) after Brexit

Mr Corbett says: “At this stage, the Labour Party has not called for a second referendum because we’re still in the phase of discovering where the divided government will end up going.” 

“I think as we move into a situation – if we are faced with a Brexit deal that the Government brings back which is manifestly damaging for Britain which is likely to be or is rejected by the House of Commons and you have a ratification crisis, we have said that the House of Commons should then determine where we go next.” 

” And of course one of the options is saying go away and negotiate something different or better. Another option is to renegotiate Brexit.” 

Mr Corbett adds that there are plenty of people in the Labour P arty who think it is a ” democratic principal ” that another vote should be held because ” we have the right to reconsider “.

“I am very sympathetic to that view.There is a lot of sympathy for the view that if the deal that comes back is bad and costly deal….we should be able to reconsider it ”