Labour and Tories gang up against co-operation

29th January 2016

Photo: Former Lib Dem Health Minister Norman Lamb

The Labour and Conservative Parties ganged up tonight in Sefton.’s Council Chamber to vote against inter-party co-operation to address problems with Health and Social Care.

Local Liberal Democrats had asked the council formally to support moves being taken by former health ministers of three political parties to work together in a Commission mirroring the Beveridge Commission which set up the NHS originally. The idea is to look at ways to see how Health and Social Services could be brought together more efficiently, thus saving suffering and freeing up cash to provide more and better care in times when money is hard to find.

Former Lib Dem Health Minister Norman Lamb (pictured above) has gained the backing of former Conservative and Labour Health Secretaries Steven Dorrell and Alan Milburn to try to persuade government to develop Health and Social Services on non- political lines Southport .Lib Dem Health Spokesperson Councillor Tony Dawson said:

“It is very sad to see grown men playing silly games like this when there are hundreds of thousands of lives which could be improved every year.. We should be co-operating both in the Council and at national government level to bring Health and Social Services together. I am sick and tired of having to pick up the pieces of people’s lives which have been ruined as they are pushed from pillar to post between different bodies with no one taking responsibility.”

The Commission proposal has also been supported by ‘NHS Survival’ – a group of 8,000 doctors, patients and and members of the public committed to ensuring the survival of the health service.


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