Kite surfers require a permit at Ainsdale beach
A permit is required for the use of kite buggying / landboarding / blokarts or kitesurfing at the Kite Zone, Ainsdale Beach.
Permits are free of charge and you do not need to be a member of any club to receive one. The permit is only valid when held in conjunction with current relevant insurance.
You must have a valid permit from Sefton Council.
You must be able to produce your permit for inspection at any time.
It is your responsibility to maintain a valid permit and to comply with the rules, failure to do so could render your insurance invalid.
In order to acquire a permit, you must read and agree to the Ainsdale-on-Sea Kite Zone rules and regulations and provide the following information: name; full postal address; a contact number; email; a copy of your BKSA membership card, BLSA membership or other insurance cover; and your KZ number if you are applying to renew your permit.
Kitezone Summer Map | |
Kitezone Winter Map |
Ainsdale-On-Sea Kite Zone – Rules
These rules have been developed in consultation with Kite Zone users to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all beach users. They are underpinned by Sefton Council’s Seashore Byelaws and have been agreed by the Kite Zone User Panel. There may be amendments to these rules from time to time.
- Observe and adhere to all national sporting body (BPKA, BKSA, BFSLYC, BLSA) codes of conduct and guidelines as well as local regulations, club rules, local advice, Sefton Council byelaws and CAA restrictions.
- Stay within the agreed zone at all times. Use of any other part of the Sefton foreshore, either in the ownership of Sefton Council or of any other agency is not permitted and could render your insurance invalid.
- Trading, teaching or touting for trade at, or in relation to, Ainsdale beach is not permitted, other than by the Council’s authorised licencees. (Legal action may be taken.)
- Park only within the beach parking area.
- Rig up / down only in the rigging area and keep clear of the rigging area if it is in use for set up or pack down.
- No persons under the age of 16 to use Kite Zone without a responsible adult in attendance. Permits will only be issued to under 16’s via a responsible adult.
- When the tide is 100m or less from the beach parking area, all power kite activity must stop until the tide has come in and then receded to at least 100m from the beach parking area.
- Kite Zone may be closed due to other events taking place or to very hot weather or because of large numbers of other beach users, and is not set aside for exclusive use by kiters.
- All Kite Zone users must take note of public access, fishermen’s access, horse riding and other activities and must operate at a reasonable speed and give way to all other beach users at all times. Do not overfly any pedestrians or animals with your kite.
- Do not use captive harness systems unless supported by a quick release system
- Do not use Kevlar lines
- Do not enter or overfly the Power Kite School Zone if it is in use.
- Always look before you gybe / tack – The upwind/downwind rule is always in operation. The upwind user keeps their kite high and the downwind user keeps their kite low.
- If a head on collision is imminent, both users must turn right.
- All users of all disciplines must assess the risks and hazards prior to each launch. Consider wind speed and direction, weather conditions and therefore appropriateness of kite size / rig. All hardware and equipment should be inspected for damage regularly; the user must have a continuous awareness of the tides; obstacles; other beach users and their own level of skill. All users must assess the risk on very busy days during the summer and not fly if the beach has a high level of other beach users in Kite Zone. Inexperienced users should always exercise extreme caution.
- Any users of Kite Zone, who intentionally cause nuisance, bring the use of the beach into disrepute, or drive at excessive speed on the beach may have their permits rescinded.
- Sand stakes must be made highly visible when in use and removed when not in use.
- Never set up, leave or launch a kite in the parking area or in the area in front of the winter beach parking area. All parked or unused kites should be packed or disabled.
- No Jumping of landboards within the vicinity of other beach or Kite Zone users.
- No Launching or landing power kites within 100m of the beach parking area.
- DRY Kite Zone
- Aerial buggy freestyle may only be undertaken by holders of a special J-Permit (same rules as above apply). A competency test must be successfully undertaken in the presence of a qualified buggy instructor and written evidence produced to certify that levels of knowledge, ability, skill and competency are satisfactory.
- Buggy to kite tethering is not permitted.
- The use of kite killers is recommended for beginners.
- Kite Zone users must not enter or overfly the safe pedestrian zone of 40 (forty) metres from the base of the sand dunes, which is identified by a post or sign marker at each barrier.
- Protective headgear must be worn for all wheeled activities. Other appropriate personal protective equipment is recommended.
- WET Kite Zone
- Protective headgear and other appropriate personal protective equipment is recommended for kite surfing.
- The use of kite leashes is compulsory.
- Have an emergency plan for yourself and others; e.g. contact the Coastguard 999.
A disciplinary system is in place and breaches of these rules may result in your permit being rescinded.
Your permit will be processed and posted out to you with a copy of the Summer/Winter Kite Zone maps once we have received your online form and insurance details.
If you have any further enquiries please contact:
Coast and Countryside ServiceAinsdale Discovery Centre
Ainsdale-on-Sea PR8 2QB
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