Having been previously judged “good” by Ofsted, we were delighted to welcome inspectors back into college on the 13 & 14 March 2019. The inspectors who were conducting a monitoring visit assessed the progress that we have made since our merger with Southport College in January 2018. Two of her majesty’s inspectors scrutinised data including College results, policies and procedures as well as interviewing students and staff and observing classroom and workshop sessions over the course of two full days.
Judging progress in quality to be Significant the report states:
‘The governing body, the principal and his senior team have a clear ambition and strategy for the newly merged college to become outstanding… Senior Leaders have ensured that effective quality improvement strategies are in place, which have had a beneficial effect on learners and apprentices… the proportion of learners who achieved a high grade increased in 2017/18.’
John Clarke, Principal of the College said, “We have been looking forward to sharing the findings of the report. Both Colleges are fully committed to providing excellence in educational standards and a very positive and rewarding student experience and the report demonstrates how effectively we are realising those commitments”.
Ronnie Fell, Chair of Governors added ‘The monitoring visit was very successful, the focus on the provision at both Southport College and King George V provides really useful feedback and the positive judgements underline our mission to support individual dreams and ambitions’.
The full Ofsted report is available at:
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