Residents in Kew are getting wheelie close breaking point in what has been dubbed the ‘Tesco trolly torment.’
Police have been drafted in after high school students began leaving upturned shopping trollies from the Tesco superstore in the middle of the road and strewn across pavements in the Ovington Drive area of Kew.
‘Culprits’ have been identified from local schools but residents suspect they aren’t the only ones taking part in the infuriating craze.
Kew councillor Janis Blackburne said: “I’ve just been into Tesco and spoken to the manager. He’s obviously very aware now about the trollies issue.
“While Most of the trollies have the red device on the front wheel, they are lifting them over.
“The wheels lock after going over the edge of Tesco path but the manager knows the kids upturn them or place them on the road.
“He’s involved the heads of Meols Cop and Christ the King who have identified some of the culprits.
“He’s asked for support from the Community Police officers and there are now staff checking for trollies on the road periodically.
“It’s not a full solution but let’s hope it stops soon.”
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