Kevin and his quest against Ainsdale’s Invisible Man

27th April 2019

Plucky Labour candidate for Ainsdale, Kevin Donnellon, has launched a harsh attack on the Southport Tories. Crosby man Kevin’s latest flyer bangs his drum with ‘sick of Tory lies and barefaced hypocrisy?’.

On a national basis, others have highlighted the lack of sincerity surrounding Tory promises.

1 Promise: We will balance the books by 2017 and then run a budget surplus.
Reality: The deficit is still £50billion a year and will not even be closed by 2020.

2 Promise: We will not increase VAT, Income Tax or National Insurance Contributions.
Reality: Chancellor hiked NICs in the first Budget before being shamed into a U-turn a week later.

3 Promise: We will work to end child poverty.
Reality: Child poverty is on the rise and forecast to get even worse when new welfare cuts kick in.

4 Promise: We will deliver a strong NHS.
Reality: Waiting times have soared, A&E is in meltdown and medics were forced to strike.

5 Promise: We will cut net migration to below 100,000 people a year.
Reality: Migration is running at 273,000 a year.

6 Promise: We will safeguard British interests in the EU single market.
Reality: Theresa May is pulling us out of the single market as part of her plan for Brexit.

7 Promise: We will protect schools funding. Reality: Funding is being cut by 6.5% with many inner city schools facing even bigger losses.

8 Promise: We will boost mental health funding.
Reality: Only half of the mental health trusts say they received a real-terms increase to budgets.

9 Promise: We will scrap the Human Rights Act and introduce a British Bill of Rights.
Reality: Theresa May abandoned the plan after becoming PM.

10 Promise: We will abolish long-term youth unemployment.
Reality: Latest stats show 80,000 aged 16-24 have been unemployed for more than 12 months.

11 Promise: We will electrify the main North rail routes.
Reality: Project was “paused” two months after the 2015 election and is now well behind schedule.

12 Promise: We will recover £500million a year from migrants who use the NHS by the middle of the next Parliament.
Reality: Barely half of that is being recovered.

13 Promise: We will give workers the right to three days’ volunteering leave a year on full pay.
Reality: It never happened.

14 Promise: We will increase British exports to £1trillion by 2020.
Reality: Now admit target will not be hit.

15 Promise: We will ban wild animals in circuses.
Reality: Tory MPs blocked the Bill in Parliament.

16 Promise: We will ensure the NHS has enough staff to meet patients’ needs.
Reality: NHS has a staffing crisis while pay rises for key workers are still pegged below inflation.

17 Promise: We will clamp down on dangerous extremists with new Extremism Disruption Orders.
Reality: Counter-Extremism Bill never appeared as lawyers failed to agree to a definition of “extremism”.

18 Promise: We will improve welfare with the new Universal Credit system.
Reality: It was delayed yet again in 2016.

19 Promise: We will introduce a new Victims’ Law to enshrine key rights for victims of crime.
Reality: It never happened.

20 Promise: We will cap residential social care charges from April 2016.
Reality: The plan was delayed until 2020.

Comrade Kevin’s self-promotional flyer went on to accuse both Tory and LibDem councillors in Ainsdale of being ‘virtually invisible and totally ineffective’. Naturally, such cutting Labour remarks do indeed carry some weight when we recall the questionable record of invisibility displayed by Councillor Terry Jones.

Sefton’s Tory leader Jones is, of course, fighting Kevin Donnellon this May for the pleasure of retaining his Ainsdale Ward position.

Sefton Tory Chief Terry Jones; is he really the ‘Invisible Man’?

A few years ago, Ainsdale Conservative invisibility reached new heights of astonishment during the successful fight to keep Brookdale (Woodvale’s dementia facility) open. Politicians from both Labour and Liberal Democratic groups arrived to show robust support for the campaign. The fightback was instigated by locals who were greatly concerned for the continuation of the centre, following disgraceful Sefton Council threats of closure.

However, Ainsdale Ward’s councillors, Terry Jones and his side-kick Ted Hartill never came anywhere near the campaign or the facility. They showed zero interest in supporting Ainsdale’s residents! This insult has never been forgotten in the area!

Of course, other examples of Tory invisibility exist and have been logged. Naturally, Damien Moore’s response to Labour’s growing hostility from that troublesome Ainsdale area will probably be to grin a little wider on his next glossy flyer.

Damien Moore

It therefore now seems clear that Labour is especially eager to take Ainsdale ward off Terry Jones and will not be pulling any political punches. Nevertheless, residents want real evidence of alleged Tory lies and hypocrisy and not just more of the same old tedious opposition party spin.  Labour has of course currently got their own inconsistencies to consider.

Moreover, the LibDems will be quite happy to simply watch and wait in the wings while Labour comrades and in-fighting Sefton Tories (invisible or otherwise) rip each other apart with traditional negative claims and counterclaims of impropriety. Year after year, local politics appears to continue along these same old lines.

To be quite frank, due to the excruciatingly abysmal Tory record (see links below) within Ainsdale ward (and others), Labour would potentially be considered as serial losers by the populace if they failed to gain a seat here in May.

The Southport Tory record in selected highlights is below

Blocked but now you want my vote?

Terry Jones leads Southport Conservatives to new depths

‘Moore’ or less for Southport?

Ainsdale Conservatives – Reality behind the Spin

Southport family threatened with “Legal Action” by Tory leader

Total Southport tory collapse under the leadership of Ainsdale’s Terry Jones

Tory wants help to “get got” his message out

Things that WACA and their Tory bosses would prefer that you never discovered

Southport Conservatives hunting for YOUR vote!

Ted Hartill Set To Disappear From Local Politics

Sir Ron Tries Again

A thousand nurseries close as Tory ‘free’ childcare scheme fails

Conservatives wrecking UK childcare               

Campaign to save Woodvale’s Brookdale Resource Centre successful

Southport Conservatives hunting for YOUR vote!

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