Just a week to go for nominations to Culture and Creativity awards

7th November 2020

There is now just one week left for Sefton’s arts organisations and other community groups to get their nominations in for the 2020 Liverpool City Region Culture and Creativity Awards.

Friday 13th November is the closing date for nominations to the Awards, which will celebrate Liverpool City Region’s thriving culture and creativity, even in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Due to be announced in February 2021, the 2020 Awards will recognise arts and cultural events, and innovation and creative activity, which has taken place within the Liverpool City Region between 1st April 2019 and 12th November 2020.

Nominations can be completed online at www.liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk/lcr-culture-creativity-awards-2020

When the Awards were announced, Cllr Ian Maher, Leader of Sefton Council and Culture, Tourism and The Visitor Economy Portfolio holder for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority said “Our Borough has a wealth of individuals and organisations involved in the arts and is a hotbed of creativity. We want to see that reflected in the entry for these prestigious City Region Culture and Creativity Awards.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on every aspect of our lives including the arts and our own Borough of Culture 2020 celebrations have been affected but I have seen huge levels of creativity despite the restrictions and these Awards with the special categories will celebrate that innovation.”

Cllr Trish Hardy Sefton Council’s main Borough of Culture sponsor said: “When the COVID-19 restrictions hit, individuals and organisations behind the planned Borough of Culture 2020 reacted swiftly. They adapted their projects and made them digital so that people could enjoy them and take part in the activities online, through home-based activities or even by post.

 “The 2020 Liverpool City Region Culture and Creativity Awards and particularly the Borough of Culture ‘Star of the Year’ category, are an ideal way to recognise this adaptability and determination to deliver projects that have helped lift local people’s spirits and provided fun things for people of all ages to do.”

Finalists will be announced on Monday 5th January 2021 and the Liverpool City Region community will be able to vote for their chosen winner for the People’s Choice Award. The Awards ceremony, which will be a digital event with presenters still to be announced, will take place on Friday 19th February 2021.