John Pugh calls for Princess Diana Gardens repairs

20th August 2020

The Princess Diana Gardens in front of the town hall are in an atrocious condition according to Cllr John Pugh, and need immediate attention.

He is calling or some of the £1 million pound grant the Council has got to remodel Southport Market to be used on urgent repairs and has called the current condition of the paving a source of embarrassment for Sefton with scores of cracked and damaged flags right in front of the town hall.

“ The Council and the Town Deal Board have agreed the Market project is the priority but the Princess Diana Gardens desperately needs a complete re-vamp now. This has gone beyond basic maintenance or lack of it.

As such it could qualify for the funds the government have made available. The government want to fund schemes that can be up and running this year and there’s a project here we should talk about with them.

Diana was dubbed “the people’s princess”and most people would see this as a priority even if the Council don’t.

I believe the refurbishment of the Princess Diana gardens is a quicker fix than finding a viable future for the Market and spending just some of the money on the gardens should save the Council blushes.

Unlike the Market it’s an area every visitor and resident sees. If things deteriorate further, we’ll be walking over rubble.”

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