‘Grow, learn, serve and pray in a Catholic community inspired by the Gospel message, enabling all to realise their unique hopes and potential’
Christ the King is a Catholic mixed 11-18 comprehensive school serving Southport. It was outstanding in its recent (November 2018) Section 48 Inspection. As the only faith high school in the area, it draws pupils from many local schools as well as the three Catholic partner primaries. The school has three consecutive Requires Improvement OFSTED judgments. The October 2018 OFSTED monitoring visit found that senior leaders and governors are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement. While the school community has worked hard to maximise the academic progress and attainment of all its pupils, there is more to be done.
The Governing Body’s ambition is for the school to be outstanding in both pastoral care and academic achievement; it is realistic about the journey. Our new headteacher will take the school quickly on the next stage of its development. He/she will:
- be a practising and committed Catholic who will enhance the school’s Catholic ethos
- be an experienced leader with a sustained track record of successful school improvement
- command the respect and confidence of pupils, staff and parents
Informal visits to the school are welcomed. Please contact the Clerk to the Governors – Mrs D Bernard (01704 552014) or HeadRecruitment@christtheking-school.com
Full details of the post, the application process and an application form are available on the school’s website www.christtheking-school.com or, in the case of difficulty, from Mrs D Bernard.
Applications should be emailed to HeadRecruitment@christtheking-school.com
Closing date: 4.00pm on Monday 4 March 2019.
Shortlisting will be on Monday 11 March.
Interview dates: Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 April.
Christ the King School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
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