This was possibly not the only vehicle driving about Southport today without any relevant MOT.
If your vehicle doesn’t have an MOT you can drive it to or from a pre-arranged MOT or to or from a pre-arranged appointment to have defects remedied that were discovered on a previous test. You can drive your vehicle on a road without road tax in these circumstances.
The law makes no mention as to how far you can go but we would suggest that the distance is kept as short as possible because even though you are exempt from having a valid MOT certificate in the circumstances described above, if you are stopped by the police you could still be prosecuted for any defective parts on your vehicle e.g. exhaust, brakes and tyres etc. Additionally:
If you call in at shops etc. on your way to the MOT, it may be held that you are using the vehicle for other purposes and the above exemption won’t apply.
The the further you travel the more likelihood there is of your vehicle triggering an ANPR camera and you being stopped.
Check the MOT status of a vehicle
Enter a vehicle’s details to see whether it has an MOT certificate and when it runs out.
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