Improve Your Brand’s Social Media In These 3 Simple Steps

5th March 2024

If you want to boost the social media presence of your brand, now’s the time to act. In this article, we’ll identify how some easy-to-enact processes can improve your brand’s social media presence overnight. Expect to get more followers and more engagement.

Read on to discover three important steps to add to your social media strategy today.

Visual Content Within Brand Guidelines

Visual content online performs much better than text-only content. It’s the equivalent of a picture book. These perform much better with child audiences than text-only books, and the same applies to adults too. Users are much more engaged with content they can look at and watch rather than just long pieces of text.

Create video production content that’s engaging, educational and entertaining. With a two-minute video, you’re able to convey much more information about your brand than text ever could. It legitimises your brand too, especially if you include your genuine staff in the content you make.

While video and image content should be varied to create long-term engagement, it’s important that everything you create is clearly coming from the same place. By creating brand guidelines, you can set this direction. Identify the fonts you want your marketing team to use, the type of images that should appear and what you want the brand content to say. Are you a playful company? Do you make cheesy puns? Identify who you’re going to be and stick within the loose parameters of it to harvest feelings of trust amongst your audience.

When creating visual content for social media, always establish where it’s going to be posted. Different social media platforms have different styles, and content that works on Facebook won’t necessarily be effective on TikTok for example. Identify whether images or videos work best and vary content regularly while adhering to your brand guidelines.

Social Media SEO

Effective SEO strategies should include steps to boost your social media presence, number of followers and overall engagement. While people might find your content by scrolling their feeds, social media SEO is the active process of getting people to find your content.

Social media SEO works by adding captions and alt-text to your posts on social media platforms including X. When someone uses a social media platform’s search bar, they are likely to type certain words. If these words don’t appear in the text of an X post itself, for example, you’ll remain hidden from them. That’s where captions and alt-text come in.

Let’s imagine you’re a coffee company selling beans. Posting a picture of your coffee beans with the caption ‘time for a cuppa’ isn’t great practice because anyone who searches the term ‘coffee’ won’t find your post. That doesn’t mean you have to include the word in the text itself, however. You can include the word in the caption of your picture to help it rank for people searching the term ‘coffee’.

Once a potential customer has found your content, it’s important to provide something interesting for them to read, look at or watch. This will entertain them, which could lead to them following you. You can use them following you to your advantage by sending offers to convert their interest into a sale. With over 4.5 billion people using social media, SEO practices will ensure you can convert more of them into followers of your brand.

Social Listening

Social listening is the art of identifying common discussion points amongst those who engage with your brand. This can be done through specific software or by simply manually identifying the common language that’s used.

Sticking with the coffee analogy, you may find that there’s a lot of discussion about whether your coffee beans are sourced in an environmentally conscious way. If so, you’ll want to address this issue. You may have the resources to reply to each person clarifying your position, but more likely you’ll find success in posting about that specific issue to all your followers.

Or, you may find there’s chatter about how your product is great but your pricing is too high. You can use knowledge of these conversations to your advantage by launching a sale. Perhaps you notice there’s been a surge in people asking about how much you pay to those harvesting your coffee beans. You can create a video on the ground to show where your beans are grown and the process involved.

Social listening is a great tool for clearing up concerns, initiating offer periods and getting to know the products and features your customers want to see.