Important pharmacy & walk-in centre opening times throughout Easter
Examine your Options and see opening times below for local pharmacies and walk-in centres over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend 2018.
Visit your pharmacist for confidential, expert advice and treatment of minor health issues.
You can also pick up over the counter medicines from your pharmacist to treat common conditions such as:
Sore throats
Your pharmacist will be happy to advise if you’re not sure.
A full list of pharmacies and walk-in Centres in Sefton is available here
Simply drop in to one of the centres and receive treatment for illnesses you can’t treat yourself – there’s no need for an appointment
Litherland Walk-in Centre
Open from 8am to 8pm every day of the year, including Good Friday and Easter Monday
Litherland Town Hall, Hatton Hill Road, L21 9JN
Tel: 0151 475 4667
Skelmersdale Walk-in Centre
Open 8am to 8pm, Good Friday to Easter Monday.
116-118 The Concourse, Skelmersdale, WN8 6LJ
Tel: 01695 588 640
West Lancashire Urgent Care Centre
Open from 8am to 8pm, Good Friday to Easter Monday.
Ormskirk Hospital, Wigan Road, Ormskirk, L39 2AZ
Tel: 01695 588 800
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