Importance of Online Islamic Education

5th February 2024

Islamic education and research are crucial topics in the world. The pro and anti-Islam debates have been fiercely on the go for centuries. However, the recent emergence of the internet has eased the research and verification of Islamic educational references. Such factors lead us to realize the importance of online Islamic education. Let’s find the logical reasoning to gain in-depth knowledge and research on Islam and its secondary paradigms thanks to the empowerment of the digital era.


Islamic Studies as a Mandatory Subject  

Islamic studies are vast, unique, and universal. The curriculum subject is a mandatory one in Muslim countries as well as some European and American institutes. Islamic education covers life’s problems in the contemporary world through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches. Additionally, individuals can now learn Quran online from home, making the study of Quranic teachings more accessible and convenient.

Its universal orientation analyzes human problems in a broad humane spectrum, subject to overall personality development through knowledge (reason), faith (belief), and natural tendency (human being). The subject encompasses all socio-cultural and politico-religious dealings within Islam and the world. Its unique worldview provides an exceptional perspective on political, economic, scientific, technological, social, cultural, and spiritual problems. Islamic studies can be divided into two categories based on its nature:


Individual Education

  • His relation with the Creator of the universe.
  • His responsibilities in life.
  • His duties towards the human community.
  • His social relations.
  • His relation to the creations.
  • His relationship to the universe and universal phenomena explore nature’s laws for the welfare of humanity.
  • His Master’s creative wisdom is apparent in His creation.


Social Education:  Aims at the following curricula: 

  • Building a society of good, pious, and God-fearing individuals where social justice prevails.
  • We are building a society where tolerance, coexistence, brotherhood, love, mercy, goodness, and righteousness are predominant.
  • We are building a society based on mutual consultation and the maximum exploitation of the individual’s intellectual capacity.
  • They are building a society where individuals enjoy freedom of thought and are competent to take responsibility.
  • They are building a society where individuals can live an ideal, pure, prosperous life.


How Online Islamic Education is Distinctive  

Online Islamic education is distinctive. Digital means offer a convenience of Islamic studies with unlimited resources that can be assessed through the following points:

  • The primary scope involves the interconnection of all branches of knowledge and their organization within the framework of the Islamic creed. Science in English and Ilm in Arabic are organized as roots (Usl-Principles) and branches (Furu).
  • In Islamic civilization, every branch of knowledge begins with the name of Allah and continues with prayers for Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) before anything else. It is crucial to maintain the truth of Divine reality and the interrelation of knowledge branches in their real form.
  • The scope provides a discourse that disseminates knowledge on all aspects of human dealings, including social, political, religious, and cultural.
  • It assists in determining the problems facing the Ummah in the present scenario through multi and interdisciplinary approaches.
  • The scope resolves the worldwide view of Islam and interprets a living, dynamic reality through Islamic history.
  • It brings together academicians from diverse multidisciplinary fields to participate and exchange ideas about predominantly Muslim societies from the past to the present.


Leading to the Islamic Economy  

Although the digital economy is still in its infancy, the Islamic Economy has been growing and developing rapidly. Over the past decade, the stars have naturally aligned with Muslim consumer needs, driving innovation behind new digital solutions for the regional and international Islamic community. As such, technology is produced available tools that are far more efficient and effective than anything in the past, the impact of which can be felt more throughout the Muslim community today than ever before. By observing and following this phenomenon, companies need professionals who know Islamic teachings and trade codes according to Sharia law. This way, learning Islamic teachings through online forums can flourish the way to land a distinguished and dream job.


Modern Media Collaboration  

Many key players from various backgrounds and related sectors cover I.T., media, and telecommunications. Each has its own set of ideas, workings and solutions. However, each one also has its challenges. As with any Digital Services opportunity, most services identified in the Islamic needs segment require industry players to cooperate. The individuals must be knowledgeable about Islamic education to complement and synergize with each other.

Thus, in collaboration with the Islamic debate realm, you can realize the vast importance and obvious need to define the Digital Islamic education landscape, which many online platforms are bringing to you.



The online Islamic mechanism also seeks to be regarded as prime pillsr and structured in a way that empowers present and potential Digital Islamic Services and needs to draft their roadmap to fit in the opportunities in this particular segment.